Meet the Board
Wisconsin Trust for Historic Preservation Board of Directors. L-R - Alexandra Ramsey, Randy Glysch, Charles Williams, Annemarie Sawkins, Marcus Zettler, and Mark Ernst.
Tom Linn, Board President | Milwaukee, WI
Tom is a Managing Director with Baird in Milwaukee, WI with over 35 years of experience providing financial advice and managing investment portfolios for individuals, families, trusts and foundations. Tom graduated from Marquette University and earned an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Tom and his wife, Patrice, raised seven children in Shorewood , WI and are proud grandparents of six and counting.
Randy Glysch, Vice President | Oregon, WI | Member since 2018
Randy is a retired scientist and educator and has worked on a variety of restoration projects and uses his experience to teach others about the importance of historic preservation. He also serves on the Village of Oregon’s Historic Preservation and is a master gardener and and stained glass maker.
Charles Williams, Treasurer | Oshkosh, WI | Member since 1994
Charles received his B.A. in History at the University of Colorado and then attended the University of Wisconsin Law School in Madison. In his law career, he often works with estate planning and uses his knowledge to help identify sites for rehabilitation and preservation as well as helping to procure Historic Tax Credits. Charles also has extensive knowledge of the several historic properties located throughout the state, and has worked on several historic preservation projects, especially in the city of Oshkosh.
Marcus Zettler, Secretary | LaCrosse, WI | Member since 2018
Marcus received his Master’s in Architecture from UW-Milwaukee, along with a certificate in Historic Preservation. As a Preservation Architect, his work revolves around restoring and preserving historic structures. He is currently working on the rehabilitation of an abandoned building that was slated for demolition in LaCrosse. Marcus also serves on the City of LaCrosse Heritage Preservation Commission and the design and facade grant review committees for DMI (Downtown Mainstreet, Inc.), and is on the Board of Directors for PAL (Preservation Alliance of LaCrosse).
Mark Ernst | Milwaukee, WI | Former President
Mark is an architect at Engberg Anderson Architects and has been interested in cities and historical buildings since a young age. His firm has worked on several restoration and adaptive reuse projects and brings this experience to the WTHP. Mark is also active in the Congress of New Urbanism and the ULI (Urban Land Institute).
Tom Mudrovich | Wausau, WI | Member since 2003
Tom started his firm, Mudrovich Architects, 25 years ago in downtown Wausau. His architecture career has always involved preservation and his firm’s work with restoring and renovating historic buildings drew him to the WTHP. Tom has also been involved with the Wausau Preservation Commission for over 12 years.
Board Members Gene Hackbarth, Annemarie Sawkins, Randy Glysch, Marcus Zettler, and Alexandra Ramsey attend the 2019 Annual WAHPC Conference in Oshkosh, WI.
Eugene Hackbarth | DePere, WI | Member since 2009
Eugene has owned and maintained historic sites in both commercial and residential settings for over 25 years. In order to fulfill his passion for retaining Wisconsin’s cultural heritage through education and supporting the owners of historic sites, he volunteers as a member of DePere’s Historic Preservation Commission and the city’s Main Street Program. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Brown County Trust for Historic Preservation, the Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions, and the Heritage Hill State Park Corporation.
Annemarie Sawkins | Shorewood, WI | Member since 2013
Annemarie Sawkins, PhD, is an independent curator, art historian, and art consultant born in Durham, England. Two years after moving to Milwaukee in 1995, she became a HMI (Historic Milwaukee, Inc.) guide and in 2009 and 2011, she taught the architectural history classes for HMI’s guide training, and selected properties for the groups popular Spaces ‘n Traces architecture tours. In 2019, she established an intern program with Marquette University which enables students to work directly with the Trust and earn valuable experience in the preservation world.
Casey Ernsting | Milwaukee, WI | Member since 2018
Casey was drawn to the WTHP due to its dedication and enthusiasm to protect historic places, which aligns with the goals he has for his own community. He also finds several parallels between his work in marketing and the goals of historic preservation. Just as Casey helps clients establish compelling brands through stories, historic preservation celebrates storytelling to connect and cultivate a strong cultural identity. Casey enjoys listening to podcasts to stay in the loop on urban development and the design world.