Filtering by: External Event

to Oct 26

Saving Wisconsin's Sacred Places: Architectural Landmarks | A Taliesin Workshop

  • Google Calendar ICS

Saving important Wisconsin architectural landmarks is a fundamental mission of the WTHP. Together with the HPI at UWM, the trust will be offering a two-day workshop on saving churches, temples, synagogues and other sacred places. Topics will be focused on the challenges of proper documentation along with strategies for retention and reuse of these landmark places in towns throughout Wisconsin.

The two-day workshop will include a combination of lectures and discussion groups. As a workshop, participants will engage in hands-on demonstrations of droning, building laser scanning, photogrammetry and object scanning. The Historic Tax Credit portion will include case studies of Wisconsin places that have effectively used tax credits for religious and nonprofit organizations.

The workshop will include an extensive exhibition of drawings and virtual reality devices for an advanced understanding of these landmarks. Site tours of local buildings and places will be included.

This is intended to be a free workshop with drinks and some food provided. Participants can join for both days or only one with overnight accommodations independently. The purpose of this workshop, like the other WTHP workshops, is to bring together a variety of preservation-minded people who can share knowledge and success stories with others and continue to make Wisconsin one of the best states for architectural heritage stewardship.

This workshop is intended to bring together a wide range of people involved in the art and business of saving architectural landmarks in small and mid-size towns. This year’s workshop will focus on great sacred places.

Local, state, and national organizations will come together to offer the very latest information on a variety of issues. All of them will be related to the struggles that owners, developers, architects, contractors, craftsmen, city officials, and others have with these important landmarks.

Daina Penkiunas, Paul Porter, Elizabeth Hilton, Lisa Kennedy, Chris Rute, Stacey Keller, Jennifer Lerhke, Matt Sadowski, Vickie Schnitzler, WM. Jason Flatt, William Krueger, Amanda Wagner, Kurt Meingast Gabriela Bustos, Lucille Sells, John Everitt, Shaun Griffith, Simon Leverett, Rob Nieweg, Renee Kuhlman, Mike Phillips, Jarob Ortiz, Paul Davidson, Mark Schara, Mark Buechel

Thank you to our collaborating organizers:

  • Wisconsin Trust for Historic Preservation WTHP

  • National Trust for Historic Preservation NTHP

  • United States National Park Service NPS

  • Wisconsin Historical Society WHS

  • American Institute of Architects AIA Wisconsin

  • Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions WAHPC

  • Historic Preservation Institute HPI at UWM

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4:30 PM16:30

Milwaukee's Ugliest Building: On the Path to Renewal

Join members of the Wisconsin Trust for Historic Preservation on Thursday, September 12 to learn more about the path to renewal for Milwaukee’s “Ugliest Building.”

The free event, co-hosted in partnership with the Historic Preservation Institute and MSOE, welcomes students and local preservation advocates for an important discussion onsite.

Thursday, September 12
4:30 - 5:30 PM | Food, drinks, and socializing
5:30 - 6:00 PM | Presentation and building tours

Location: 324 N 15th St. Milwaukee, WI

Free to attend. No registration required

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Milwaukee Documentation Workshop
to Sep 16

Milwaukee Documentation Workshop

The Association for Preservation Technology’s (APT) Technical Committee on Documentation (TC-Doc) in conjunction with the APT Western Great Lakes Chapter (APTWGLC), the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance (MPA) and the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning (UWM SARUP) are pleased to present a hands-on Documentation Workshop in Milwaukee.

The workshop will be a two day in-person event focused on the hands-on education and demonstration of various documentation technologies used in the architecture, engineering and construction industry, especially in the context of preserving our historic environments.


DAY ONE will be held at UWM and will cover:

  • Background and theory of documentation including the HABS/HAER/HALS program

  • Laser scanning documentation and point cloud processing

  • UAV and photogrammetry documentation

  • A special architect & engineer’s toolbox, that will present low-cost supplemental documentation tools

  • Transforming documentation data into a useful Building Information Model (BIM)

DAY TWO will be primarily held at the Historic Pabst Brewery District and will provide the following hands-on demonstrations:

  • Large format photography

  • Laser scanning documentation

  • UAV and photogrammetry documentation

  • 360 degree cameras

  • Site survey apps for data integration into BIM


For the full schedule and brief descriptions of the topics that will be covered on day one, please see the scheduled agenda.



Close-range documentation work being conducted at the UWM SARUP Historic Preservation Institute Lab.

Member of APTI, APT WGLC, or MPA:

Early bird - (available until 9/2) rate: $175
Standard - (9/3-9/14) rate: $200


Early bird - (available until 9/2) – $225
Standard - (9/3-9/14) – $250

Students are welcome to join for free with a valid Student ID. Registration is required and provided via email only. Please contact

Save now by joining: APTI, APTI Western Great Lakes Chapter, or Milwaukee Preservation Alliance.

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12:00 PM12:00

Preservation Racine Tour of Historic Places | In-Person [External Event]

Tour about five historic homes in the Elmwood Park area just outside the city of Racine. The tour includes an exhibit about the development of Elmwood Park area, which was once farmland and had quarries. Sponsored by Preservation Racine Inc. Money earned goes to support historic building, preservation and education.

For information call (262) 634-5748 or see

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Architectural Treasures Tour - A Walk Through Cedarburg: 1890s | In-Person [External Event]
12:00 PM12:00

Architectural Treasures Tour - A Walk Through Cedarburg: 1890s | In-Person [External Event]

Take a step back in time to imagine Cedarburg in 1890, when these buildings were part of a thriving mill town. Enjoy a guided walk through the city’s south historic district starting at the Cedarburg Cultural Center. Learn about buildings with histories dating back to the 1890s from docents, videos, and characters who will share stories about Cedarburg’s foundation and its charming architecture.

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Spaces and Traces Tour, Harambee & Riverwest Neighborhoods of Milwaukee | Virtual [External Event]
to May 16

Spaces and Traces Tour, Harambee & Riverwest Neighborhoods of Milwaukee | Virtual [External Event]

  • Harambee & Riverwest 53212 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Book tickets for two virtual neighborhood experiences featuring Harambee & Riverwest.

Select from three ticket options for Spaces and Traces Tour:

  1. Virtual Tour

  2. Virtual Tour Tickets + Live Virtual Presentations 

  3. Live Virtual Program Tickets available a la carte

Live Virtual Presentation Schedule

Thursday, May 6 at 6 pm: The Parlor: Restoring and Reinventing a Riverwest Funeral Home
Learn about renovation efforts of a former Riverwest funeral home into a single family residence with home owner and architect Keith Stachowiak

Monday, May 10 at 6 pm: History of Harambee and Riverwest
Historian John Gurda will talk about the history of Harambee and Riverwest.

Thursday, May 13 at 6 pm: Conversations on Gentrification with Reggie Jackson and Zeidler Group
Historic Milwaukee is partnering with the Zeidler Group to host small group discussions tackling the issues of gentrification and the effects on Milwaukee's communities. The program will kick off with a lecture with Reggie Jackson, Co-Founder of Nurturing Diversity Partners.

Friday, May 14 at 12 pm: Historic King Drive with Deshea Agee, Executive Director, Historic King Drive BID

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